Why do I want to do this? Because it sounds like fun. Some side benefits to the tour include
- Get to visit a cool guy named Justin in Oregon, unless you are the cool guy named Justin in Oregon.
- Get to visit anyone else we know who lives along the coast
- Get in really good shape
- Collect good stories to tell people
- See lots of beautiful scenery. Look up Highway 1 or Highway 101 on Google images.
- Gives an opportunity to get in shape before going
- Not working
- Camping, lots of camping
- Meeting random people including all the hipsters in Oregon and the Hollywoods in, well, Hollywood.
Now that you see all the great reasons I want to go on this trip, I want to invite you, yes you, to consider riding it with me. You may think I'm pulling your leg, but I'm actually pretty serious. I think it would be a great experience and it would be perfect timing for me since I could probably quit my job around then. "Then" being May-ish probably. Mid June is earthquake season in California and I'm hoping to catch an earthquake while I'm there. If we do the full route, I would give 2 months, but I'd be happy cutting the route in half to make it a month ride. I'd also be happy planning a completely different ride. I just like the idea of a really long, month or longer, ride.
I've been known to drop out on adventures before. However, it is crucial that I note that my dropping out has only occurred when I was planning on doing the adventure on my own. Like when I wanted to go to Mexico this fall to work on a ranch. That didn't happen because I didn't have anyone expecting me to prepare for the trip and follow threw with it. That being said, let me know if you are interested in this. I may ask you personally anyway if I'm still serious about this in a few weeks.
I wanna come! i'll grease up my trike wheels