Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 1

The first few days of my tour have been awesome and not so awesome. I flew up to Bellingham after sleeping in the Seattle airport and took off as soon as I assembled my bike. I was thinking about my tour on the plane rides and it was really hard for me to really understand that I was about to ride my bike across the country. It just didn't seem real. Reality finally set in when I had assembled my bike and walked out the airport door.

That's a "0.0mi" on the odometer at the bottom

Following my directions I started riding north so I could go touch the border. I don't have a really good reason for going to the border, but what the heck, why not? The ride was pretty easy and there were only a few hills. I rode almost non-stop to the border, which was about 23 miles. When I got there, it was just like Google street view portrayed it. A field with nice green grass and houses on the other side. I was just dying to go and stick my finger over the border, so I went across the field. Noticing several signs along the opposite side of the field, I took a picture.

Then I crossed the border, illegally, and took a picture of the other side of the sign...just to get a Canadian's view of crossing the border.

I think that accurately describes Canadians' fears about crossing the border.

My bike, feeling American

 I ate my lunch at the park and a man told me about the "spit" that I should visit on my way to my campground. I attempted to visit this spit that he gave directions to, but I was lazy and didn't go all the way...and I made a wrong turn. Then I made another wrong turn and then realized where I needed to go. After that satisfying detour I found myself along the beach with lots of beach homes, which were part of the Birch Bay community. Soon after, I arrived at the campground in Birch Bay state park. It was a very pretty campground and I had the privilege of meeting some Canadians who confirmed for me that Canadians do in fact say the word "Eh."

I also visited the beach

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! What an adventure! Save travels. Praying for you!
